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Health campaigns: February 2024

This guide collects the resources from suppliers on health campaigns through out the year.

National Heart Month


For some recent articles on patient self-management of heart disease see our Heart reading list. 


Evidence Summaries:

BMJBestPractice logo


BMJ Talk Medicine Podcasts 

Some of the topics within BMJ Best Practice

And more.... 

Heart podcast

BMJ Best Practice podcast

British Journal of Sports Medicine podcast




More than 7.5 million people are living with heart or circulatory disease in the UK. Of these, more than one million are estimated to have heart failure*. Log into DynaMed for the latest evidence-based information:

* Bellanca, L., Linden, S. & Farmer, R. Incidence and prevalence of heart failure in England: a descriptive analysis of linked primary and secondary care data – the PULSE study. BMC Cardiovasc Disord 23, 374 (2023).

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National Heart Month brings to focus the importance of both healthcare providers and the public being well-versed in the clear signs of heart-related health issues. Early detection and diagnosis of these issues can often mean improved and prolonged life quality. Being able to share information with patients and their loved ones is a key step towards better cardiovascular health and awareness. Explore the hundreds of cardiovascular patient education content on ClinicalKey.  


You will need your NHS Scotland OpenAthens account to access resources

Race equality week (5th-11th)


Our reading list of articles on racism in healthcare has a range of articles that may be of interest. 




Other resources:

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We have created an Race Equality playlist to with a range of resources on equality and diversity.


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Fostering a safe and equal environment for colleagues and patients is everyone’s responsibility. An inclusive environment helps to create a space where everyone is capable of practicing to the best of their ability and extending that safety to those they care for. This creates an environment where everyone can thrive.

This Race Equality week, we encourage you to learn about racial disparities and the ways in which you can contribute to fostering a more equitable practice:

Book chapter: Multiculturalism, Diversity and Care Delivery

Mental Health Nurses Day (21st)


See our February Mental Health Nurses Day reading list.  


Evidence Summaries:

BMJBestPractice logo

There are more topics in BMJ BestPractice.....

BMJ Case Reports: Psychiatry collections 




There are more topics in DynaMed.....

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On Mental Health Nurses Day we celebrate and recognise the exceptional work Mental Health Nurses do to support patients and other caregivers in delivering the best care possible for each unique patient. Their empathy and expertise create safe spaces for those struggling with mental health issues to be seen and supported through recovery. Quick access to the latest psychiatric research and treatment guidelines means nurses can further enhance their life-changing support.

Sexual abuse and violence awareness week (5th-11th)


See our reading list on this topic. 




Evidence Summaries:

BMJBestPractice logo








Nearly half a million adults are sexually assaulted each year in England and Wales alone*, and one in two rapes against women are carried out by their partner or ex-partner**.

Follow the DynaMed Intimate Partner Violence topic for the latest evidence based information.


** Rape Crisis - Rape_and_sexual_assault_statistics_sources_December_2023


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Did you know that in the UK, the CSEW estimated 2.7% of people aged 16 to 59 years had experienced sexual assault in the last year? Many cases go unreported. Knowing the signs of sexual abuse and taking the correct steps to address can make a massive difference, person by person. Supporting survivors of sexual violence means making evidence-based informed decisions to correctly identify and support the path to recovery. ClinicalKey equips you with quick access to current medical research and best practice on supporting survivors’ physical and emotional needs. 

Children's Mental Health Week (5th- 11th)


Take a look at our Children's Mental Health reading list to see the range of resources we have available.


Evidence Summaries:


One in five children and young people in England aged eight to 25 had a probable mental disorder in 2023. Follow DynaMed topic for the latest evidence-based information.

*One in five children and young people had a probable mental disorder in 2023

* Public Health Scotland- child and adolescent mental health services camhs waiting times quarter ending september 2023


BMJBestPractice logo

BMJ Case Reports:  Psychiatry collections

BMJ Talk Medicine Podcast: Depression in children



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Understanding the intricacies of childhood mental health enables more compassionate, effective care. As young minds develop, psychosocial issues manifest uniquely in children compared to adults. Having visibility of the latest evidence-based approaches to paediatric health allows providers to fully understand and uplift their vulnerable patients. When healthcare professionals have meaningful awareness of the world from a child’s viewpoint, we can nurture their wellbeing and give them the tools to thrive.

Discover the tools available to you on ClinicalKey: Child psychotherapy.

Eating disorders awareness week (19th-25th)


See our reading list on this topic. 




Evidence Summaries:



BMJBestPractice logo



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During this Eating Disorder Awareness Week, we are reminded to be compassionate, understanding, and utilise the most current medical expertise when supporting patients with an eating disorder. Spotting the signs early and recognising pre-existing conditions that may evolve into an eating disorder can make a key difference in a patient’s care journey. ClinicalKey can help you learn about the different ways an eating disorder can manifest.